Kids Together
At Holbeck Together we are committed to welcoming all members of our community, including families and young people.
‘Kids Together’ is for all things families and children in the Holbeck community – keep an eye on this page for activities, events and resources that you, your children or someone you know might be interested in.
Healthy Holidays
A series of grants from Leeds Community Foundation’s Healthy Holidays programme has helped us to support families in the Holbeck area to stay well and create healthy and delicious meals during the holidays over the past few years.
Children, along with their parents, are able to take part in a series of activities throughout the holidays including crafts, sports, and the chance to cook a nutritious meal.
Families also receive a variety of healthy recipes each week, highlighting new ideas for breakfast, lunch, healthy snacks and main meals. Healthy Holidays wouldn’t be possible without the support and generosity of our partners including Leeds Community Foundation who provide the funding for the programme.
Better Together
We run regular sessions for parents and guardians with younger children including our Parents and Tots group (every Monday – term time only at St Matthews).
We also run 6-week courses in Baby Massage.
Or you might fancy joining us for Baby Steps – a fun weekly walking group for parents and carers. We set off at St Matthews with a free hot drink and follow easy wakking routes to encourage you to get out in the fresh air and meet new people.
Dates and all details are advertised in our newsletter and on our events page.
Fun times!

Share your ideas for family fun!
As we progress on our journey as Holbeck Together, we welcome your input and feedback more than ever. If you have any ideas or suggestions for how we can better help to support families and younger people within our community to live healthy and happy lives, please give us a call on 0113 245 5553 or drop us an email at

Meet Matthew, our Service Development Officer
Matthew works to ensure we are able to provide a programme of exciting, sustainable, quality services that meet the needs of our clients, as well as coordinating our growing team of volunteers. Get in touch with Matthew by emailing or call the office on 0113 2455553. Find out more about Matthew and the rest of the team.